
各位真菌學會會友, 大家好:

真菌學會與國際人類及動物真菌學會 (International Society for Human and Animal Mycology ; ISHAM)亞洲工作小組合作, 免費提供醫用真菌網路課程給本會會友, 課程中邀請國內外知名專家講授, 總時間長度約兩小時, 相關資訊如附件, 英文說明如下, 請有興趣的會友, 逕至報名網址, 登錄報名。

機會難得, 敬請把握!

理事長 沈偉強暨第18屆真菌學會工作團隊 敬啟

Dear members,

Mycology Society of Republic of China is pleased to partner with the Asia Fungal Working Group (AFWG), a working group of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM), to bring you this exclusive learning opportunity – the first AFWG Masterclass.

This AFWG Masterclass focuses on Managing IFI in ICU Patients Without Malignancies and features the latest updates presented by the AFWGʼs international faculty.

Upon completion, you will be able to obtain your certificate.

Log on today and complete the AFWG Masterclass!

Register here: https://masterclass.afwgonline.com/

If you have enquiries, please contact AFWG Secretariat by email info@afwgonline.com.