Genus Stilbohypoxylon
Key to Taxa of Stilbohypoxylon
Accepted Taxa
List of Names

Yu-Ming Ju
Michael J. Adams

It could be argued that the fungi discussed herein are, in reality, reduced taxa of Xylaria Hill ex Schrank or species of Rosellinia De Not. (see Laessøe, 1994; Laessøe & Spooner, 1994). Our decision to accept Stilbohypoxylon as a genus is based on the prominent synnemata within the bases of which perithecia are initiated. Remnants of synnemata usually adhere to mature stromata in two species and, when broken, have been interpreted as warts. All three species have scaly stromata, the scales conspicuously yellow in S. moelleri and S. quisquiliarum. Material of the same color as the scales often covers the surface of the substrate in the vicinity of stromata.

It is probable that additional taxa can eventually be accommodated in Stilbohypoxylon. It is likely, for example, that Hypoxylon cyclopicum Speg. -- a species with strongly verrucose stromata -- is, in fact, a Stilbohypoxylon (see Miller, 1961).