Genus Discoxylaria
List of Names

Stromatal surface
Vertical section of a stroma
Vertical section of a stroma
"Shadows" of annellations showing apex of conidiogenous cell beneath; TEM
Conidiogenous cell with annellation zones bearing conidia; TEM
Conidiogenous cell with annellation zones bearing conidia; TEM
Conidia and apices of conidiogenous cells showing annellations; SEM
Conidia and apices of conidiogenous cells showing annellations; SEM
Conidia and apices of conidiogenous cells showing annellations; SEM
Conidiophores bearing uninucleate conidiogenous cells; FM
Conidia with compact nuclei and diffuse nuclei; FM
Conidiophores bearing uninucleate conidiogenous cells; FM
Conidiophores bearing uninucleate conidiogenous cells; FM

Jack D. Rogers
Yu-Ming Ju
Michael J. Adams