HYPOXYLON EXSURGENS MONT. This name does not belong to Ascovirgaria, Biscogniauxia, Creosphaeria, Daldinia, Discoxylaria, Entoleuca, Hypoxylon, Jumillera, Kretzschmaria, Kretzschmariella, Nemania, Stilbohypoxylon, Vivantia, or Whalleya.(The accepted or suggested disposition is indicated by an asterisk (*), if there is any.) Hypoxylon exsurgens Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., sér. IV, 3: 118. 1855. º Daldinia exsurgens (Mont.) Rehm, Ann. Mycol. 7: 4. 1909. º Hypodiscus exsurgens (Mont.) Rick, Brotéria, sér. Bot., 25: 34. 1931. GUYANA: Leprieur, C. 532, corticated wood (PC, HOLOTYPE of H. exsurgens). The holotype is sterile. The stromata have the bipartite structure of Biscogniauxia and Camillea. |