DALDINIA FEEI SACC. The status of the name is uncertain.Daldinia feei Sacc., Syll. Fung. I, p. 395. 1882. º Sphaeria vernicosa Fée, Nouv. Mém. Soc. Sci. Bas-Rhin 2: Pl. 12, Fig. 2. 1834; non DC. & Lam. [: Fr.], 1815; nec Schwein., 1825 [nom. rejic., ICBN Arts. 13.1(d) & 64.1]. º Xylaria vernicosa (Fée) Sacc., Syll. Fung. IX, p. 530. 1891. Daldinia feei was teated in "doubtful or excluded species" by Child (1932) who was inclined to consider it a Xylaria. We have not studied material of this fungus. |