Vivantia J. D.
Rogers, Y.-M. Ju, & Cand., Mycol. Res. 100: 672. 1996.
Type species: V. guadalupensis J. D. Rogers, Y.-M. Ju, & Cand. Stromata applano-pulvinate, probably bipartite when immature, wide spreading. Externally and internally black. Fairly carbonaceous. Perithecia embedded in stroma. Ostioles lower than the stromatal surface (umbilicate). Asci cylindrical, short-stipitate, with apical ring blueing in Melzer's reagent. Ascospores hyaline to subhyaline, smooth, two-celled, with septum median, submedian, or strongly eccentric, without discernible germination site. Paraphyses broad, longer than asci, numerous. |