Cultures of K.
deusta have been described by Jong and Rogers (1972) (as Hypoxylon
deustum) and Petrini and Müller (1986) (as Ustulina deusta).
They are at first grayish and underlain with black. They soon become radially furrowed and
separate from the culture dish. The anamorph is not produced in culture. Van der Gucht
(1994) reported a similar type of culture for K. deusta. Her
material, in our opinion, represents K.
pavimentosa with the ascospore size range close to the lower limit. Ko
et al. (1982) reported a similar type of culture for K.
clavus. Cultures of K.
lucidula, K.
sandvicensis, and K.
zonata are likewise of this type, as described elsewhere herein;
cultures of the latter two species infrequently have produced conidia. Unfortunately, we have not seen cultures or favorable anamorphic material of K. curvirima, K. macrosperma, or K. micropus, taxa that bear spiny remnants of what appear to be old synnemata. Kretzschmaria cetrarioides probably has a similar type of anamorph. It would, of course, be highly interesting to know how cultures from these taxa compare with those of previously discussed taxa. |