Hypoxylon macrosporum P. Karst.



Cultures and anamorph have been described by Whalley and Petrini (1984) on MA. Five syntypes of H. macrosporum were seen from H. Karsten 775 at H is here selected as the lectotype because its duplicate at K has been studied most, e.g., Miller (1961), Petrini and Müller (1986).

Miller (1961) considered H. macrosporum to be a synonym of H. mammatum (Wahlenberg) P. Karst. [º Entoleuca mammata (Wahlenberg) J. D. Rogers & Y.-M. Ju], a member of his section Papillata, subsection Primocinerea. Whalley and Petrini (1984) believed that H. vogesiacum var. macrosporum and H. macrosporum are synonyms, but preferred to retain this fungus at a varietal rank. Mathiassen (1989) considered H. macrosporum to be a distinct species and we agree.

Hypoxylon macrosporum differs from H. vogesiacum in having greenish stromatal pigments, in having darker, larger, more inequilateral ascospores, in having a less than spore-length germ slit, and in having dotted ornamentation on the entire ascospore epispore. It is generally associated with Salix in glaciated areas.