Biscogniauxia cinereolilacina (J. H. Miller) Pouzar
Biscogniauxia cinereolilacina (J. H. Miller) Pouzar, Ceská Mykol. 33: 216. 1979.
º Hypoxylon cinereolilacinum J. H. Miller, Mycologia 25: 324. 1933.
º Numulariola cinereolilacina (J. H. Miller) P. Martin, J. S. African Bot. 35: 292. 1969; [nom. inval., ICBN Art. 33.2]; as "cineraceo-lilacinum"; J. S. African Bot. 42: 76. 1976.
= Nummularia bulliardi Tul. & C. Tul. f. tiliae Rehm, Ascomyceten, fasc. 20, no. 977. 1889.
= Nummularia anthracina (Schmidt) Traverso var. tiliaecola Rehm, Ann. Mycol. 7: 532. 1909.
Stromata applanate, 1.5-10.5 cm long x 0.4-3 cm broad x 0.6-0.7 mm thick; outer dehiscing layer dark brown, thin; surface dull purplish brown when young, mouse gray when mature; dark brown, woody immediately beneath surface and between perithecia, with carbonaceous tissue encasing each individual ostiole; tissue beneath perithecia inconspicuous.
Perithecia obovoid, 0.2-0.4 mm diam x 0.4-0.5 mm high.
Ostioles higher than stromatal surface, with openings papillate.
Asci 100-130 mm total length x 7.5-10 mm broad, the spore-bearing parts 70-110 mm long, the stipes 10-30 mm long, with apical ring lightly bluing or not bluing in Melzer's iodine reagent, discoid, 1 mm high x 3-4 mm broad.
Ascospores light brown to brown, unicellular, ellipsoid, nearly equilateral, with broadly rounded ends, smooth, 12-16 (-17.5) x (4.5-) 5.5-7 mm, with straight germ slit spore-length on both sides.