Biscogniauxia philippinensis (Ricker) Whalley & Laessøe
Biscogniauxia philippinensis (Ricker) Whalley & Laessoe apud Whalley, Laessoe, & Kile, Mycol. Res. 94: 239. 1990.
º Nummularia philippinensis Ricker, Philipp. J. Sci. 1, suppl. 4: 280. 1906.
º Hypoxylon philippinense (Ricker) J. H. Miller, Monogr. of the World Species of Hypoxylon, p. 113. 1961.
º Numulariola philippinensis (Ricker) P. Martin, J. S. African Bot. 35: 289. 1969; [nom. inval., ICBN Art. 33.2]; J. S. African Bot. 42: 78. 1976.
= Hypoxylon divergens (Theiss.) J. H. Miller var. macrospora J. H. Miller, Monogr. of the World Species of Hypoxylon, p. 112. 1961.
º Numulariola divergens (Theiss.) P. Martin var. macrospora (J. H. Miller) P. Martin, J. S. African Bot. 35: 289. 1969; [nom. inval., ICBN Art. 33.2].
º Biscogniauxia divergens (Theiss.) Whalley & Laessoe var. macrospora (J. H. Miller) Whalley & Laessoe apud Whalley, Laessoe, & Kile, Mycol. Res. 94: 239. 1990.
Stromata applanate, 5-10 cm long x 2-5 cm broad x 1.5-2.5 mm thick; outer dehiscing layer dark brown, thin; mature surface black; carbonaceous immediately beneath surface and between perithecia; tissue beneath perithecia inconspicuous.
Perithecia tubular, 0.2-0.3 mm diam x 1.4-2.4 mm high.
Ostioles at the same level as or lower than stromatal surface, with openings punctate, usually surrounded by slightly raised rim, sometimes overlain with white substance.
Asci 190-220 mm total length x 13.5-14.5 mm broad, the spore-bearing parts 180-210 mm long, the stipes 10-15 mm long, with apical ring bluing in Melzer's iodine reagent, short-cylindrical, 6-7.5 mm high x 5.5-6 mm broad.
Ascospores dark brown to blackish brown, ellipsoid-inequilateral, with one end narrowly rounded and the other bearing a hyaline cellular appendage 1.5-2 mm long x 4-5.5 mm broad, smooth, 22-27 (not including appendage) x 11.5-13 mm, with straight, broad, faint germ slit spore-length on more convex side.