Daldinia concentrica (Bolton: Fr.) Ces. & De Not.
Daldinia concentrica (Bolton: Fr.) Ces. & De Not., Comment. Soc. Crittog. Ital. 1: 197. 1863.
º Sphaeria concentrica Bolton, Hist. Fung. Halifax III, p. 180. 1789; Bolton: Fr., Syst. Mycol. II, p. 331. 1823; non Wahlenberg, 1812.
º Peripherostoma concentricum (Bolton: Fr.) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. I, p. 513. 1821.
º Stromatosphaeria concentrica (Bolton: Fr.) Grev., Fl. Edinensis, p. 355. 1824.
º Hypoxylon concentricum (Bolton: Fr.) Grev., Scot. Crypt. Fl. VI, Pl. 324. 1828.
º Hemisphaeria concentrica (Bolton: Fr.) Klotzsch, Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta 19: 241. 1843.
= Fungus fraxineus, niger, durus, orbiculatus J. Ray, Hist. Pl. I, p. 109. 1686. Fide Fries (1823), Tulasne and Tulasne (1863), and Child (1932).
= Valsa tuberosa Scop., Fl. Carniol. II, ed. 2, p. 399. 1772. Fide Fries (1823), Tulasne and Tulasne (1863), Miller (1930), and Child (1932).
º Sphaeria tuberosa (Scop.) Timm, Fl. Megapol. Prodr., p. 279. 1788.
º Daldinia tuberosa (Scop.) J. Schröt., Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult. 59: 464. 1881.
º Hypoxylon tuberosum (Scop.) Wettst., Verh. K. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 35: 591. 1885.
= Lycoperdon atrum Schaeff., Fungi Bavar. Palat. Nasc. IV, p. 131. 1774. Fide Persoon (1801), Fries (1823), Tulasne and Tulasne (1863), and Child (1932).
= Lycoperdon fraxineum Hudson, Fl. Angl. ed. 2, II, p. 641. 1778. Fide Fries (1823) and Child (1932).
= Sphaeria tunicata Tode, Fung. Mecklenb. Sel. II, p. 59. 1791. Fide Persoon (1801), Fries (1823), Tulasne and Tulasne (1863), Miller (1930), and Child (1932).
= Sphaeria fraxinea Sibth., Fl. Oxon., p. 401. 1794. Fide Persoon (1801), Fries (1823), Tulasne and Tulasne (1863), Miller (1930), and Child (1932).
Stromata spherical, depressed-spherical to turbinate, sessile, solitary to aggregated, smooth or with inconspicuous perithecial mounds, 2-8 cm diam x 1.2-4 cm high; surface frequently cracked into fine network, brown vinaceous (84), chestnut (40), or sepia (63), blackened and somewhat varnished in age; dull reddish brown granules immediately beneath surface, with KOH-extractable pigments livid purple (81) or dark purple (36); the tissue between perithecia grayish brown to brown, pithy to woody; the tissue below the perithecial layer composed of alternating zones, the darker zones dark brown, pithy to woody, 0.2-0.6 mm thick, the lighter zones brown, pithy to woody, persistent, 0.6-1 mm thick.
Perithecia tubular, 0.3-0.5 mm diam x 1-2 mm high.
Ostioles slightly papillate.
Asci 210-250 µm total length x 8-11 µm broad, the spore-bearing part 75-90 µm long, the stipe 130-170 µm long, with apical ring bluing or not bluing in Melzer’s iodine reagent, discoid or highly reduced, 0.5-1 µm high x 3-3.5 µm broad.
Ascospores brown to dark brown, unicellular, ellipsoid-inequilateral, with narrowly rounded ends, 13-17 x 6-7.5 µm, with slightly sigmoid germ slit spore-length on convex side; perispore dehiscent in 10% KOH, smooth; epispore smooth.