C. heterostoma: applanate stromata |
C. heterostoma: stromatal surface |
C. bilabiata: stromata on bark |
C. bilabiata: stroma |
C. bilabiata: vertical section of stroma showing long perithecia |
C. cyclops: stromata on twigs |
C. cyclops: stroma |
C. cyclops: stroma with top portion removed to reveal the perithecia |
C. cyclops: ascospore by SEM |
C. cyclops: detailed ascospore surface by SEM |
C. leprieurii: developing stromata, each with a piece of bark tissue on top |
C. leprieurii: stromata |
C. leprieurii: stromatal surface |
C. leprieurii: vertical section of stroma showing long perithecia |
C. leprieurii: ascospore by SEM |
C. leprieurii: detailed ascospore surface by SEM |
C. mucronata: stromata on substrate |
C. mucronata: stroma |
C. mucronata: vertical section of stroma showing long perithecia |