Jumillera J. D. Rogers, Y.-M. Ju,
& San Martín, Mycotaxon 64: 41. 1997. Type species: J. mexicana J. D. Rogers, & Y.-M. Ju, & San Martín Stromata applanate or effused-pulvinate, solitary or confluent, lacking KOH-extractable pigments; outer dehiscing layer dark brown, thin; externally white, gray, greenish, or black; internally with carbonaceous tissue immediately beneath surface, forming a crust; tissue between perithecia and beneath the perithecial layer mainly composed of host tissue. Perithecia globose to depressed-globose, monostichous. Ostioles lower than the level of stromatal surface and appearing punctate on the stromatal surface. Asci eight-spored, cylindrical, stipitate, persistent, with apical ring discoid, amyloid. Ascospores brown to dark brown, unicellular in both mature and immature ascospores, ellipsoid, nearly equilateral or inequilateral, with narrowly or broadly rounded ends, with straight germ slit; more or less gelatinous sheath sometimes present; epispore smooth. Anamorph Libertella-like, with Geniculosporium-like synanamorph in several known species and probably universal. |