Hypoxylon bovei Speg. var. microspora J. H. Miller



This variety differs from its typical variety in having olivaceous pigments consistently extracted with 10% KOH solution, in having smaller ascospores, and in having a spore-length germ slit. A compelling case can be made for considering var. microspora to be a distinct species. Hypoxylon marginatum var. mammiforme was synonymized with H. bovei by Miller (1961). However, Rehm's type at S indicates that the name is an earlier synonym of Miller's H. bovei var. microspora. Hypoxylon chalybeum var. effusum is another earlier synonym at varietal rank. Because this fungus may eventually be accepted at species rank, we prefer to use H. bovei var. microspora.

Miller (1961) designated specimen no. 847 of S. C. Teng as the type of H. bovei var. microspora. Unfortunately, a search for this specimen failed to locate it. Three specimens identified by J. H. Miller as H. bovei var. microspora at BPI were examined. Only specimen no. 849 of S. Q. Deng fits Miller's description, and it is selected as the lectotype. The other two specimens, Deng, S. Q. no. 849 and Reinking, O. no. 9596, are H. nitens.