Hypoxylon cohaerens (Pers.: Fr.) Fr.



This species is usually on Fagus. It seems restricted to higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Hypoxylon cohaerens is noteworthy in having ascus apical rings that vary in their reaction to Melzer's iodine reagent. Asci of some collections blue in iodine, asci of other collections do not (Parker and Reid, 1969). Hypoxylon cohaerens was treated by Miller (1961) as a member of his section Papillata, subsection Papillata.

Six Persoon specimens housed at L were examined. Specimen 910, 270-92 is chosen as the type in Miller (1961), and is accordingly accepted as the lectotype. Others are considered as syntypes except for specimen 910, 270-71, which is Nemania serpens (Pers.: Fr.) S. F. Gray, and for specimen 910, 270-60, which is scanty material of a penzigioid Xylaria. We were unable to locate the type material of H. bagnisii Sacc. It was accepted as a synonym of H. cohaerens by Miller (1961). Two specimens of H. spondylinum (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. were seen from UPS. One is accepted as the lectotype. The other [SWEDEN: Smolandia, Femsj? corticated wood (UPS)] is a mixture of H. cohaerens and H. fuscum.