Hypoxylon moriforme Henn.



Hypoxylon moriforme is one of the many names synonymized with H. truncatum by Miller (1961). It differs from H. truncatum in not being highly associated with Quercus, in lacking a reddish tone on the stromatal surface, and in having a tropical and subtropical distribution. Hypoxylon moriforme, usually with glomerate stromata, can look quite like H. annulatum when the stromata are hemispherical. The usually evident perithecial mounds and less massive stromata are useful in identifying H. moriforme. Moreover, like H. truncatum, Hypoxylon annulatum is a northern temperate species and is highly associated with Quercus.

The Hennings type of H. moriforme at B was destroyed. The S duplicate is here selected as the lectotype.

A USVI specimen [St. John, 1.1994, Lodge, D.J. St. J. 111, corticated branches (JDR)] is similar to H. moriforme but has larger ascospores, 11-14.5 x 5-6.5 mm. This collection is somewhat overmature. Further collections might prove it to be a distinct taxon.