Daldinia grandis Child



The description of cultures is based on a collection from Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Daldinia grandis has been reported from New Zealand by Child (1932). However, the type locality of D. grandis is in California, U.S.A. Unfortunately, there do not seem to be published data on the anamorph of D. grandis from western United States. The conidiogenous structure is in general Virgariella-like. However, it deviates from the typical Virgariella-like branching pattern in having more robust conidiophores and in having three conidiogenous cells born on top of some terminal branches of conidiophores.

We did not see the holotype of D. grandis which was said to be deposited at the Paul Shope herbarium, Boulder, Colorado (Child, 1932). The photographs of stromata and ascospores from the holotype in Child (1932) leave no doubt as to the identity of D. grandis. This fungus is closely related to D. loculata but differs from the latter in having larger, more variable ascospores.