Hypoxylon ochraceum Henn.



Hypoxylon ochraceum Henn., Hedwigia 36: 228. 1897.

= Hypoxylon nectrioideum Sacc. & Trott., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 28: 160. 1899.

= Hypoxylon juruensis Henn., Hedwigia 43: 260. 1904.

= Hypoxylon pumilio Sacc. & Fairm., J. Mycol. 12: 47. 1906.

= Hypoxylon aureostroma P. Martin, J. S. African Bot. 35: 166. 1969; [nom. inval., ICBN Art. 37.1]; J. S. African Bot. 42: 71. 1976.

= Hypoxylon dumontii J. D. Rogers & Samuels, Mycotaxon 22: 367. 1985.

Stromata glomerate, frequently confluent, with conspicuous perithecial mounds, 1.5-10 (-17) mm long x 1.5-4.5 mm broad x 0.5-1.3 mm thick; surface ochreous (44), fulvous (43), or sienna (8); orange red granules immediately beneath the surface and between perithecia, with KOH-extractable pigments luteous (12) or orange (7); the tissue below the perithecial layer black, inconspicuous to 0.7 mm thick.

Perithecia spherical, 0.2-0.4 mm diam.

Ostioles lower than the stromatal surface.

Asci 110-150 mm total length x 7-11 mm broad, the spore-bearing parts 90-110 mm long, the stipes 20-45 mm long, with apical ring bluing in Melzer's iodine reagent, discoid, 1-2.2 mm high x 3-5 mm broad.

Ascospores brown, unicellular, ellipsoid, nearly equilateral, with broadly to less frequently narrowly rounded ends, 12-16 (-18) x 5.5-7.5 (-8) mm, with straight germ slit much less than spore-length or less frequently nearly spore-length, occasionally with more than one germ slit; perispore indehiscent in 10% KOH; epispore smooth.